Sunday, September 19, 2010


    It never fails. 6am, 8am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4pm, 6pm, 8pm, bedtime. Every 2 hours throughout the day Jacob is hungry. So every 2 hours I need to be available to feed him. Don't get me wrong, I don't mind feeding him, he's my baby! But every mama needs a break every once and a while. Jacob is 3 1/2 months old now and hasn't had a bottle since he was a week old. We've tried FOUR different types of nipples in the past week! Finally, I got the idea to match up the nipple with his pacifier. He sucks on his NUK like it's going out of style, so I went out and bought a NUK bottle. 
    It was 8 o'clock friday night; Jacob just had a bath while his bottle was bottle was warming up in a pot of hot water. I rubbed him down with his calming lavender bedtime baby lotion and put him in his pj's. James sat in the rocker with him and I handed him the bottle...Jacob took it! It was that easy! We were so excited! I had to stop talking though because every time I opened my mouth Jacob was turning his head to find me :-) So I sat on the other side of him and watched with delight. 
    Now if I have to be away from him for longer than 2 hours, or just want go on a girls night out, Daddy can feed him :-)

That's the rocker my husband got me for Mother's Day :-)

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