Friday, October 8, 2010

Has is really been 4 months?

October 8, 2010
    I can't believe Jacob is 4 months old today. Sometimes I feel like he was just born while other times I feel like I've known him forever and can't imagine life without him. He has changed and grown so much; only into a more cuddly and all boy baby.

    In the past couple of weeks, Jacob has discovered his tongue and his feet! He had just finished eating one afternoon when he looked up at me and stuck out his tongue! It was out for a while while he felt his lips with it and wiggled it back and forth. It must have tickled his lips because he started laughing! It was so cute. Now it's turned into a game where I slowly move my finger towards his lips and say, "I'm gonna get your tongue!" Jacob will stick it out and then back in really fast and smile or laugh =) I know there will be a day in the not so distant future when I will be telling him to keep his tongue in his mouth, so we're enjoying it now!

    It was like Jacob woke up one day and discovered, "I have feet!!!" His new favorite thing to do is hold onto his toes. And he doesn't have to be fully awake to do it either. If he wakes up at 3am to eat, I feed him and then lay him down to change him. While his eyes are still closed and he's trying to go back to sleep, he lifts his legs up and reaches for his feet...and just lays there holding them.     
    When he's wide awake he'll also try to put his feet into his mouth. I must say, it does help with diaper changing, because he's keeping his feet out of messy diapers!


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