Monday, July 1, 2013

Summer Fun

This is one of my favorite videos so far this summer. Jacob and C had so much fun making mudslides. Jacob has always had this thing with getting dirty... it would worry me at times, wondering why he wouldn't be interested in playing in the dirt with other kids. But this summer he started becoming adventurous. He now loves to play in the neighbors sandbox and even get muddy. No more worrying on my part. Now I enjoy studying him while he plays and interacts in newfound ways :)

Sunday, June 30, 2013

June 2013

    So many things happened during the month of June! There were natural milestones we got to celebrate together along with special outings we went on now that we've adjusted to having two kiddos. Starting off, Silas went on his first hayride at Willoughby Farm. Although he probably had no clue what we were doing, Jacob was excited to share that moment with him :-)
    June 8th,  Jacob turned 3! I made him a Monsters Inc. cake with Sully and Mike Wazowski. -Or as Jacob says, "Sully and Mousky-Mousky!" My parents came down for the weekend and we enjoyed grilling out and spending time together. 
    By the middle of June, Silas was 3 months and getting really good at rolling over! I've been venturing out more with the boys and have taken them to the zoo, the outdoor splash pad, and parks. Silas is happy doing anything outside, even if it's just sitting in the stroller, and Jacob enjoys the variety of activities. 

Hayride at Willoughby Farm

Silas is growing so fast, 14lbs at 3 1/2 months!

We often sit outside on a blanket while Jacob & his friend draw with sidewalk chalk.

Grandpa "Icon" giving Silas some lovin' when they were visiting for Jacob's birthday weekend. And Daddy's first time wearing Silas in the carrier when we went on a family walk.

Our little family. Jacob is 3 now and Silas is 3 months :-)

My Mom, Silas, and me :-)

Monday, May 20, 2013

One and Two Months

Where is the time going? When we had Jacob it sped up, but I swear it's going even faster now. Finally getting used to having two little one. Let me tell you, it is a HIGE help that Jacob is potty trained. Having two in diapers would not only be expensive, but time consuming! We are used to nursing now, and can understand Silas' cries a little better to know weather he is tired or hungry.

Brothers. Jacob is almost 3 and Silas is 1 month. 
This pillow is amazing. It allows Jacob to hold Silas all by himself :)

Silas is starting to smile and have more expressions at a little over one month.
He's such a happy, smiley baby. Jacob gets really excited when Silas smiles at him.
It absolutely melts my heart.

Silas at 2 months:

Favorite things to do at 2 months:
Sit in his bouncy chair outside while watching Jacob play & sleep in the swing :-)

Daddy making sure Jacob still gets quality time now that he's a big brother.

Silas is two months now and 12lbs 14oz!

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Twelve Days New

    Hard to believe our second blessing has been here for twelve days. Although we are still getting to know him, we already can't imagine life without him.

Saturday, March 23, 2013

First Week at Home

My mom was able to come stay with me and the boys when James went back to work. Here are a few photos from our first week at home.

Jacob likes to stand on a chair to watch while his baby brother gets changed :)

Hanging out on Mommy's bed. Silas is so tiny! 
Jacob often says, "Mommy, I want to hold my baby brother."

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Our Second Blessing

    It was Monday, March 11, and James was working from home. I started getting contractions around lunch time, they weren't too strong, but they kept coming. We wondered if Silas would come early, because he was not due until March 18th. By dinner time, the contractions were stronger and longer and I had to focus more and breathe differently to get through them. I probably sat bouncing on my balance ball for a couple hours. James would ask me every once and a while if we should go to the hospital. I kept saying that I didn't know if they were strong or close enough to go. I didn't want to rush to the hospital only to be sent home. But then he asked again, and I couldn't answer during a contraction, so we decided to call my friend who would be keeping Jacob, and head to the hospital.
    We dropped Jacob off at our friends house and arrived at the hospital about 11pm. Once I was connected to monitors, the nurses said I may actually not be in labor. WHAT?!?! This was frustrating, I knew I was in labor. So we started walking laps around the department. The nurses said they were surprised how fast I was walking. I was definitely taking this seriously and did not want to be sent home! James kept walking with me. I could tell he wanted to walk slower, but wouldn't dare ask! My labor progressed, so I was admitted. We decided to try to get some sleep.
    By mid-morning the next day, my labor slowed down. My doctor suggested breaking my water to see if that would help things progress more. I think it was around 10am when she broke my water. That. Was. Intense. I'm pretty sure I went from being 1cm to 7cm dilated in about 15 minutes. It was then I decided to get an epidural. I wanted to be able to enjoy labor more, and boy did it make a difference!
This is me a few minutes after getting the epidural.
    I continued laboring, but since I had the epidural, I was able to sleep a little. About 2pm I was at 9cm. I wanted to be ready for pictures when Silas came, so I put on some make-up :)
    2:30 rolled around and a nurse came in to go through some practice pushes with me. We didn't get very far when she told me to stop because she could see his head! My doctor was in another procedure and couldn't come right away, so we had to wait! (Looking back on it, I would have done things differently and pushed him right out. I was ready. He was ready.) She came in shortly before 3pm. I pushed though a couple contractions, and out he came! It really wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Even though I went through most of labor when I had Jacob, I ended up having a c-section, so I wasn't sure what the actual delivery part would be like. It was exhausting, yet energizing. James was great. And I loved it.
    Silas Jonathan Lord was born March 12, 2014 weighing 7lbs 4oz.
Just minutes after Silas was born!
Silas Jonathan
We were still in the delivery room here, with our healthy new son :)
    Silas caught on to breast-feeding without too much trouble. We were able to rest a bit, eat dinner, then James went to pick Jacob up to come meet his new brother. Jacob was so sweet. One of the first thing he said was, "Silas cam out of your tummy! I want to hold him."
Our first picture as a family of four. Even Silas is smiling :)

We were laughing because Jacob starting counting Silas' toes!

Jacob kissing Silas. I love this.
    The next afternoon, my mother-in-law and brother-in-law, with his girlfriend, came to visit us in the hospital.
Ethan & Paige meeting Silas

James with his mom (Bev) and brother Ethan.
     The last thing we did before leaving the hospital was put Silas' footprint on the wall! I'm not going to lie, Silas hated it and screamed the whole time until he was wrapped up in his blanket again.

James holding Silas while the nurse put blue paint on his foot.
    Then we went home to begin our new life as a family of four. It wasn't as scary as when we took Jacob home. We felt like we knew what we were doing a little bit more ;-)